Support us

Dear friends, your support is very important for us!
Animation studio "DA" exists only through your participation
Choose type of aid best fit for you and join us!


how to participate in activity

For kids and parents

Apply for the classes. Learn the timetable here

For volunteers

Propose your masterclass and conduct it with us
If you would like to become a volunteer and help us conduct classes (timetables for the social groups are here:

You can also become a technical support volunteer
We have a lot of different issues: delivery in the city, renovation, PR, fundrising, grants, internet advertising, design, polygraphy, equipment repair.

Studio DA mailing list subscription


Banking details for russian rubles

payment purpose: Пожертвование на уставную деятельность.
Получатель: Автономная некоммерческая организация «Анимационная студия «Да»
ИНН 7804183100
КПП 780401001
р/с 40703810901071601434 в филиале «Петровский» Публичного акционерного общества
Ханты-Мансийский банк Открытие»
Кор.счет 30101810740300000809
БИК 044030809

Banking details for foreign currency

(english presentation)

Correspondent Bank:  Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SWIFT: DEUT DE FF)

Correspondent Account No.: 9477134 

Beneficiary BankOJSC Bank Otkritie, Moscow    SWIFT:  RUDLRUMM

For Petrovskiy branch, St.Petersburg SWIFT:  RUDLRUM1PET

Beneficiary Account No.: 40703978202180201434  

Beneficiary:  Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Animation Studio «Da».


how to participate in studio's activities regularly

If you would like to be a monthly donor of the studio? please fill out the form below - sum which you would like to be donated from your card every month and your email address. Email is very important to be correct for further comunication with the payment system, should the need arise(for example, should you decide to unsubscribe. this procedure takes 3 days).
Your e-mail*:

Studio DA mailing list subscription


Studio DA mailing list subscription

© 2010–2019 Animation studio DA